Oil Well Drilling
Oil is now one of the essential energy resources, the acquisition of oil is also quite important to work. You need to do a perfect job of collecting oil. You need to pay attention to the bearing capacity of the drilling hole. When used too long, it will be scrapped and the collection will fail. Complete the mission, gain revenue, upgrade equipment, in order to more easily collect oil!
Skibidi Toilet Challenge
When there were too many Skibidi toilets, contradictions arose between them and they splashed out in the game Skibidi Toilet Challenge. Too many who want to become leaders have appeared among the toilet bowls with heads, and this means inevitable clashes. Choose the game mode: singles or doubles. The task is to throw opponents off the court. To increase your chances of winning, collect toilet paper, this will strengthen your character, and this is important, because enemies are rushing around and everyone strives to push the other out of the way and become the head of the entire toilet army in Skibidi Toilet Challenge.